Class Schedule

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Our instructors are American Red Cross certified in the First Aid/CPR/AED r.21 program. This program is designed to help participants recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing and first aid emergencies. The courses in this program teach participants the knowledge and skills needed to give immediate care to an injured or ill person when minutes matter, and to decide whether advanced medical care is needed. 


There are no prerequisites for the core courses within the First Aid/CPR/AED r.21 program. 


The course may last from 4 hour to just over 5 hours.

Learning Objectives

■ Describe how to recognize an emergency and gain confidence to act.

■ Explain how to lower the risk for infection when giving care.

■ Understand legal concepts as they apply to lay responders, such as consent.

■ Describe the emergency action steps: CHECK—CALL—CARE.

■ Identify when it is necessary to call 9-1-1 or the designated emergency number.

■ Explain how to check an injured or ill person who appears to be unresponsive.

■ Explain how to check a responsive injured or ill person.

■ Demonstrate high-quality CPR and use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) for a person who is in cardiac arrest.

■ Demonstrate first aid care for a person who is choking.

■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of, and describe appropriate first aid care for, the following sudden illnesses: shock, asthma attack, anaphylaxis, heart attack, opioid overdose, diabetic emergencies, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration.

■ Describe methods used to control life-threatening bleeding, including the application of direct pressure and the application of a commercial tourniquet.

■ Demonstrate the application of direct pressure to control life-threatening bleeding.

■ Explain when a commercial tourniquet should be used, and describe the basic principles of using a


■ Recognize the signs and symptoms of, and describe appropriate first aid care for, the following injuries and environmental illnesses: burns; head, neck and spinal injuries (including concussion); heat stroke; hypothermia; poison exposure.

All First Aid/CPR/AED certifications, except for Bloodborne Pathogens Training, are valid for 2 years from the date of course  completion. Upon successful completion of a course in the First Aid/CPR/AED program, participants receive American Red Cross certification.

The possession of a baton by a private person is punishable as either a felony or misdemeanor under California Penal Code Section 22210 (PC 22210).

This 8-hour course will train and certify the student (a licensed Security Guard) on the use of expandable batons (ASP, etc.), as well as straight stick and side-handled batons. Successful completion of AGSTA’s Baton Course and issuance of a BSIS Baton permit allows a Security Guard to carry a baton on duty, thus making them exempt from PC 22210.

Our course will focus on the legality of carrying a baton as a security officer, liability concerns, as well as moral obligations and concerns.  During our course we will focus on de-escalation of situations, the use of force continuum, and more. 

Students must pass a written examination and demonstrate proficiency in the use of a baton to successfully complete this course.  Upon successful completion, students will be issued a certificate of completion.This course satisfies the training requirement for the initial and bi-annual certification requirements for the new Baton Permit application process.


Effective 1/1/2024, Baton Training Facilities no longer issue BSIS baton permits. Similiar to the Firearm Permit, at the completion of the training course, students will be issued a certificate of completion and a Baton Qualification form. Students must log into their Breeze account and submit a Baton Permit application and pay the $60 permit fee directly to the bureau. Our staff is available to help you with this process. 

Effective 1/1/2024, all baton permits expire biannually. Please see more information on the BSIS website: New Law Alert! Baton Permits

For additional information, contact us at

Course Eligibility Requirements:

Must have current Security Guard license issued by BSIS or a receipt that you have submitted your Security Guard application. Proof of current guard card or receipt of guard card application must be submitted to AGSTA prior to the start of the course or the student will not be allowed to participate in the course.

This 4-hour course will train and certify the student (a licensed Security Guard) to carry an authorized chemical agent weapon, while on duty.

Our course will focus on the legality of carrying a chemical agent weapon as a security officer, liability concerns, as well as moral obligations and concerns.  During our course we will focus on de-escalation of situations, the use of force continuum, and more.  Our course focuses on topics consisting of:

1) Tear Gas Use & Effects

2) Pepper Spray Uses & Effects

3) Air Borne Chemical Agents (such as CS gas)

4) Water Borne Chemical Agents

Students must pass a written examination and demonstrate proficiency in the use of a spray-type chemical agent weapon to successfully complete this course.  Upon successful completion, students will be given a Sabre Crossfire Pepper Gel MK-4 (3 oz canister) and issued a certificate of completion, in compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Course Eligibility Requirements:

Must have current Security Guard license issued by BSIS or a receipt that you have submitted your Security Guard application. Proof of current guard card or receipt of guard card application must be submitted to AGSTA prior to the start of the course or the student will not be allowed to participate in the course.

For additional information, contact us at

This 4-hour course consists of approximately 2 hours classroom lecture and written examination at our Academy. The written exam is followed by range qualification at a nearby firearms range for each caliber the student wishes to renew.

Our classroom instruction will be a refresher on the legality of carrying an exposed firearm as a security officer, liability concerns, as well as moral obligations and concerns.  During our course we will focus on de-escalation of situations, the use of force continuum, and more. 

 **Students should be aware of newer BSIS regulations regarding adding new calibers to the students Exposed Firearm Permit, which requires the student to complete a new initial-firearms course (

Be advised, DO NOT BRING FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION TO THE CLASSROOM PORTION OF THE COUSE. All firearms and ammunition shall be properly secured during transit to/from the range.

Upon completion, students will be issued a certificate of completion along with a range qualification form, in compliance with regulatory requirements.

All students completing their 4th Re-qualification will be offered assistance with submitting their Renewal Firearm application via California’s Breeze website after the class or set up an appointment to complete within 5 business days of the completion of our course (additional fees apply).

If this is not the Student’s 1st time re-qualifying, and the student has not completed all previous re-qualifications at AGSTA, the student will be required to submit proof of any previous qualifications prior to participation in the course. For additional information, contact us at

Course Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be legally allowed to possesses/use a firearm/ammunition (no felonies, violent misdemeanors,
    restraining orders, etc.).
  • Must have current Security Guard license issued by BSIS or a receipt that youe submitted your Security Guard application.
  • Must have current Exposed Firearm permit issued by BSIS and must be in your qualification schedule. 
  • Must provide proof of citizenship/residency (i.e. Birth Certificate, DD214, Passport, Naturalization Certificate, etc.) to AGSTA prior to the start of the course, or the student will not be allowed to participate in the course.

Course Material Requirements:

Students will be required to fire 100 rounds of live ammunition for EACH caliber they wish to be licensed in. Students without a firearm or ammunition may rent a company owned firearm of their choice.

AGSTA offers Glock 17 (9mm) and Glock 22 (.40cal). Ammunition used with our firearms CANNOT be generic or reloads.

Additional Cost(s):

  • Each Additional Caliber, including ammunition: $40.00
  • Exposed Firearms Renewal Fee (Payable to BSIS at time of renewal): $118.00


Students with a current membership at Down Range will receive a $10.00 range fee discount on the prices listed above. Use Promo Code: DRMEM to redeem your discount. 

Students who own their firearm but requires the use of Academy ammunition will be charged for ammunition used during the range course of fire.

This 3 day course (18 hours) consists of classroom lecture and range time. Students shall have a basic working knowledge of firearms, safe firearms handling practices, and a good understanding of range safety rules prior to attending this class.  This course is not considered a beginner’s course, but rather a basic proficiency course. Students should be familiar with the working functions of the firearm they are going to use and be familiar with drawing the weapon from a holster.

Our course will focus on the legality of carrying an exposed firearm as a security officer, liability concerns, as well as moral obligations and concerns.  During our course we will focus on de-escalation of situations, the use of force continuum, and more. 

Day one and day two consists of classroom lecture, while day three consists of approximately two hours classroom lecture/written examination, and then range time.  Be advised, DO NOT BRING FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION TO THE CLASSROOM PORTION OF THE COUSE. All firearms and ammunition shall be properly secured during transit to/from the range.

Students should be aware that while successful completion of this course meets the basic qualification requirements set forth by BSIS, it does not guarantee the permit will be granted, as a successful firearms assessment score from a qualified assessor selected by BSIS and DOJ/FBI firearms clearance are required to be issued your Exposed Firearm Permit from BSIS. This process typically takes 4-6 months after the submission of your Initial Firearm application.

Upon completion, students will be issued a certificate of completion along with a range qualification form, in compliance with regulatory requirements.  All students will be offered the opportunity to get their live scan completed and assistance with submitting their Initial Firearm application via California’s Breeze website after the class or set up an appointment to complete within 5 business days of the completion of our course (additional fees apply). For additional information, contact us at

Course Eligibility Requirements:

Must be legally allowed to possesses/use a firearm/ammunition (no felonies, violent misdemeanors, restraining orders, etc.). Must have current Security Guard license issued by BSIS or a receipt that you have submitted your Security Guard application. Must provide proof of citizenship/residency (i.e. Birth Certificate, DD214, Passport, Naturalization Certificate, etc.) to AGSTA prior to the start of the course, or the student will not be allowed to participate in the course.

Course Material Requirements:

Students will be required to fire 150 rounds of live ammunition for EACH caliber they wish to be licensed in.  Students without a firearm or ammunition may rent a company owned firearm of their choice. AGSTA offers Glock 17 (9mm) and Glock 22 (.40cal). Ammunition used with our firearms CANNOT be generic or reloads.

Additional Costs:

Each Additional Caliber, including ammunition:                                                            $100.00

Exposed Firearms Permit Fee (Payable to BSIS at time of registration):                     $100.00

*Firearms Live Scan Fee (Payable to Live Scan Vendor):                                            $112.00**

Firearms Assessment Fee (Payable to PSI at time of assessment):                               $60.00


Students with a current membership at Down Range will receive a $10.00 range fee discount on the prices listed above. Use Promo Code: DRMEM to redeem your discount. 

Students who own their firearm but requires the use of Academy ammunition will be charged for ammunition used during the range course of fire.

* If you have had a security guard w/firearm live scan completed in the past 1 year, you may not need to have this completed.  Contact AGSTA for further information regarding live scan requirements.

**Live Scan prices are current as of January 1, 2020 and are subject to change based on FBI/DOJ fee schedule. In addition, each Live Scan vendor will set their own rolling fee, therefore price listed is the cost at AGSTA, including our $25.00 Rolling Fee.

This 4-hour course will certify the student (a licensed Security Guard) to open carry a conducted energy weapon (CEW), more commonly known as a “stun gun” while on duty.  Our course covers both models of the CEW stun gun weapons as well as an air cartridge TASER type weapon.

Our course will focus on the legality of carrying a CEW as a security officer, liability concerns, as well as moral obligations and concerns.  During our course we will focus on de-escalation of situations, the use of force continuum, and more. 

Students must pass a written examination and demonstrate proficiency with the use of an air cartridge TASER type weapon to successfully complete this course.  Upon completion, students will be issued a certificate of completion in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Course Eligibility Requirements:

Must have current Security Guard license issued by BSIS or a receipt that you have submitted your Security Guard application. Proof of current guard card or receipt of guard card application must be submitted to AGSTA prior to the start of the course or the student will not be allowed to participate in the course.

Requirements for Licensure

Security guards are employed by licensed Private Patrol Operators or private security employers to protect persons or property or prevent theft as defined in Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7582.1. To be eligible to apply for a security guard registration through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau), you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (BPC Section 7582.8)
  • Undergo a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (BPC Sections 7581 and 7583.9) and
  • Complete the Power to Arrest training (see "Training Requirements" below)

I. Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Course Outline

The Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Course consists of a total of eight (8) hours of training in the following two (2) subjects:

A. Power to Arrest -- 3 Hours

Objective: To familiarize and instruct the individual on the training topics delineated at Business and Professions Code section 7583.7, including, without limitation, legal aspects, techniques, liability, and company requirements relating to the arrest of an individual. The training will utilize the Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training Manual, dated July 2023, and may include lecture, discussion, exercises and role-playing.

  1. Overview of Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training Manual and subject matter.
  2. Responsibilities and ethics in citizen arrest and types of encounters.
  3. Relationship between security personnel and a peace officer in making an arrest.
  4. Limitations on security personnel power to arrest, and security personnel's role including:
  5. Background on private security industry
  6. Contractual obligations
  7. Company policies
  8. Restrictions on searches and seizures.
  9. Criminal and civil liabilities, including both of the following:
  10. Personal liability
  11. Employer liability
  12. Trespass law.
  13. Ethics and communications.
  14. Emergency situation response, including response to medical emergencies.
  15. Security officer safety.

B. Appropriate Use of Force -- 5 Hours

For the purposes of this section, “in-person” means training conducted through traditional classroom instruction as defined in Section 7583.7 of the Business and Professions Code. 

Objective: To introduce, instruct, and familiarize the individual on the appropriate use of force topics listed in section 7583.7 of the Business and Professions Code.

  1. Legal standards for use of force
  2. Statutes
  3. Licensee and client contractual obligations
  4. Civil and criminal liability
  5. The use of objectively reasonable force -- (In-person)
  6. Objectively reasonable standard
  7. Restraint techniques and their implications
  8. Force options
  9. Real-life scenarios
  10. Duty to intercede
  11. Supervisory responsibilities
  12. Incident reporting requirements pursuant to 7583.2, 7583.4 and 7574.37 of the Business and Professions Code as applicable
  13. Use of force review and analysis -- (In-person)
  14. Real-life scenarios
  15. De-escalation and interpersonal communication training, including tactical methods that use time, distance, cover, and concealment, to avoid escalating situations that lead to violence -- (In-person)
  16. Common misconceptions and benefits of de-escalation
  17. Four concepts of de-escalation
  18. Self-control
  19. Effective communication
  20. Scene assessment and management
  21. Force options
  22. Real-life scenarios
  23. Implicit and explicit bias and cultural competency as defined in Section 631
  24. Define and explain:
  25. Implicit bias
  26. Explicit bias
  27. Cultural competency
  28. Strategies for effective communication within a diverse community
  29. Real-life scenarios
  30. Skills, including de-escalation techniques, to effectively, safely, and respectfully interact with people with disabilities or behavioral health issues
  31. Strategies for identifying and effectively communicating and de-escalating a situation with an individual with a disability or behavioral health issues
  32. Real-life scenarios
  33. Use of force scenarios, including simulations of low-frequency, high-risk situations and calls for service, shoot-or-don't-shoot situations, and real time force option decision making -- (In-person)
  34. Factors that can affect an individual's response when threatened with danger
  35. Factors to consider before using force
  36. Real-life scenarios
  37. Mental health and policing, including bias and stigma
  38. Categories of mental illness as defined in Section 631
  39. Biases and stigmas surrounding mental illness
  40. Real-life scenarios
  41. Active shooter situations -- (In-person)
  42. Recognizing an active shooter situation
  43. Roles and responsibilities of security personnel
  44. Real-life scenarios
  45. Examination

Individuals required to take the Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training shall take and pass an examination as provided in the Manual with a score of 100% in order to have successfully completed said training.

This course is a continuation of our online I. A. Powers to Arrest course, which can be found here: Online Training Course 

This course satisfies the 5 in-person Appropriate Use of Force portion of the 8-hour Powers to Arrest and Appropriate use of Force training requirement.

Students enrolling for this course will be required to provide the academy with the 3-hour online training verification prior to completing this course. Students will be required to take the complete Powers to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force test at the conclusion of the training. Passing score for this test is 100%. 

Please note: BSIS requires students to attend the full training course through one licensed training provider. At this time, we are unable to accept training certificates from other online training agencies.

Requirements for Licensure

Security guards are employed by licensed Private Patrol Operators or private security employers to protect persons or property or prevent theft as defined in Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7582.1. To be eligible to apply for a security guard registration through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau), you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (BPC Section 7582.8)
  • Undergo a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (BPC Sections 7581 and 7583.9) and
  • Complete the Power to Arrest training (see "Training Requirements" below)

B. Appropriate Use of Force -- 5 Hours

For the purposes of this section, “in-person” means training conducted through traditional classroom instruction as defined in Section 7583.7 of the Business and Professions Code. However, this course will cover the entire AUOF module.

Objective: To introduce, instruct, and familiarize the individual on the appropriate use of force topics listed in section 7583.7 of the Business and Professions Code.

  1. Legal standards for use of force
  2. Statutes
  3. Licensee and client contractual obligations
  4. Civil and criminal liability
  5. The use of objectively reasonable force -- (In-person)
  6. Objectively reasonable standard
  7. Restraint techniques and their implications
  8. Force options
  9. Real-life scenarios
  10. Duty to intercede
  11. Supervisory responsibilities
  12. Incident reporting requirements pursuant to 7583.2, 7583.4 and 7574.37 of the Business and Professions Code as applicable
  13. Use of force review and analysis -- (In-person)
  14. Real-life scenarios
  15. De-escalation and interpersonal communication training, including tactical methods that use time, distance, cover, and concealment, to avoid escalating situations that lead to violence -- (In-person)
  16. Common misconceptions and benefits of de-escalation
  17. Four concepts of de-escalation
  18. Self-control
  19. Effective communication
  20. Scene assessment and management
  21. Force options
  22. Real-life scenarios
  23. Implicit and explicit bias and cultural competency as defined in Section 631
  24. Define and explain:
  25. Implicit bias
  26. Explicit bias
  27. Cultural competency
  28. Strategies for effective communication within a diverse community
  29. Real-life scenarios
  30. Skills, including de-escalation techniques, to effectively, safely, and respectfully interact with people with disabilities or behavioral health issues
  31. Strategies for identifying and effectively communicating and de-escalating a situation with an individual with a disability or behavioral health issues
  32. Real-life scenarios
  33. Use of force scenarios, including simulations of low-frequency, high-risk situations and calls for service, shoot-or-don't-shoot situations, and real time force option decision making -- (In-person)
  34. Factors that can affect an individual's response when threatened with danger
  35. Factors to consider before using force
  36. Real-life scenarios
  37. Mental health and policing, including bias and stigma
  38. Categories of mental illness as defined in Section 631
  39. Biases and stigmas surrounding mental illness
  40. Real-life scenarios
  41. Active shooter situations -- (In-person)
  42. Recognizing an active shooter situation
  43. Roles and responsibilities of security personnel
  44. Real-life scenarios
  45. Examination

Individuals required to take the Power to Arrest and Appropriate Use of Force Training shall take and pass an examination as provided in the Manual with a score of 100% in order to have successfully completed said training.